The sole reason that users visit a website's FAQs page is to get answers to their questions. By categorizing questions together such as "Payment Method" or "Room Inclusions", you create a smoother search process and better user experience and thus increases efficiency for your potential guest.
Additionally, if your potential guest discovers a question in these categories that they may have forgotten to check for, you prevent future uncertainty and show that your hotel's service has all the bases covered.
When there are certain questions that don't have quick answers or have more concise information within your website, make sure that you have clear links to these URLs on your FAQ page. Provide permanent and specific URLs for returning to the exact place where a question is answered.
This also provides your potential guest with an easy copy and paste URL to share and forward information about your hotel to their own networks.
It is important that you answer FAQs on your website the same way you would address these concerns in person. Make sure that you're using your customer's language. Make sure your answers are straight to the point of the FAQ and do not excessively elaborate on unnecessary information. Doing the latter makes your page visitor lose interest rather than be encouraged to actually read your answers and engage in a way that makes them more informed about your hotel.
Your website visitors will always need straightforward answers for all the detailed questions they may have. Creating a pleasant and efficient experience for them to do so using these techniques can help turn these page visits into leads and more direct bookings. Feel free to
schedule a demo
with us to get the most out of your hotel's website.
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